Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer other services besides group therapy?

Yes, group therapy takes up 20-30% of our time and is an option when it is the treatment of choice. We always begin with an evaluation and decide along with you what will be the best way to proceed. We work individually, with couples, with families and suggest medicine when appropriate.

Why do you call yourself the Group Analytic Practice?

Group Analysis is a way of thinking about people in their context. Simply put, Group Analysis understands that our psychological problems originate between people, and our symptoms disguise what cannot be communicated in our relationships. This way of thinking can be used in working with individuals, families, organizations, and communities. Check on our links page if you'd like to read more about this way of thinking.

How do you get started?

Call one of the doctors and make an appointment. The first appointment is usually one hour, but it may be longer depending on the problem and the number of people involved. Our fees are listed on the home page,  and you may read more about how each of us works on the individual clinician's pages. We will discuss with you by phone to determine how best to proceed and whether or not anyone in our practice is appropriate for your problem. If not we have a trusted referral network of experts to whom we refer.

Can I use my insurance?

Yes, if your insurance allows you to choose your doctor you can use your benefits. However, if your insurance requires you to pick your doctor from a list of doctors who have negotiated a lower fee with the insurance company in exchange for referrals, we will not be on the list. When this is the case, some companies will allow you to choose us as an out of network doctor. Some use their "Health Savings Account" to pay for services.